Fairground palmists who claim to tell your age could soon be out of work. Just 22 metabolites in the blood can now be used to estimate age from a single blood test, and possibly even reveal early signs of diseases associated with ageing.
According to Tim Spector at King's College London, until now the only recognised biological indicator of age has been the length of telomeres – tips of chromosomes that wear down each time a cell divides, and so which shorten with age.
Now Spector and his team have identified a panel of 22 metabolites – small molecules such as fats and amino acids – that vary over time and can be used to reveal age to within 10 years.
The team screened blood samples from 3000 pairs of twins aged between 17 and 85. They then analysed 280 metabolites to find which varied most with the age of donors. They found 22 that gradually and consistently change with age.
Estimating age is not the only benefit this panel of metabolites could bring. They could also yield "fingerprints" that reveal early signs of disease and premature ageing.
Health alarm
Because the metabolites are signals from living cells, says Spector, they could be used to assess health and even warn of diseases before they occur. He sees a parallel with the use of cholesterol levels to assess risk of heart attack and stroke, arguing that an unhealthy metabolite level could prompt lifestyle changes like those that lower cholesterol.
One metabolite, a sugar-loaded amino acid called C-glycosyl tryptophan (C-glyTrp), was of particular interest because levels differed markedly in younger and older twins. In those under 35 and over 70, for example, average levels were 138 and 194 nanograms per millilitre of blood respectively, says Spector's colleague Ana Valdes. Levels of C-glyTrp also varied with age-related health traits, such as bone mass and lung function, suggesting it could be used to predict disease.
Further investigation revealed that there is also a link between low birthweight and C-glyTrp levels in adulthood. Low birthweight signals a greater risk of several disorders in adulthood, including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Valdes says that some pairs of identical twins had different levels of C-glyTrp, and that this could, in part, be explained by large differences in birthweight between the siblings.
"C-glyTrp particularly changed with age, though it's not clear why," says Riekelt Houtkooper, who studies metabolic disease at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. "The fact C-glyTrp is linked to birthweight highlights the importance of this critical phase of life for later development and ageing," he says.
Spector's aim is to build up the predictive potential for the whole panel of metabolites by finding similar correlations with ill health for some of its other members, but this will require considerably more research, he says.
Houtkooper says it is important to find out whether C-glyTrp fluctuations are a cause or consequence of ageing. Also, he says, it would be useful to know if anti-ageing therapies could reverse metabolite profiles to become "young" again.
Journal reference: International Journal of Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyt094
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