Bottoms up for a bird on a balance
There's no dignity in science for a warbler popped head-down in a weighing scale as part of a massive effort to track migrating birds
Fossil treasures from UK's museums showcased in 3D
The British Geological Survey has launched an online database of thousands of digitised fossils, captured in 3D for viewing and printing
AI systems switch your energy bills to save you money
An era is coming in which artificially intelligent systems can manage your energy consumption to save you money and make the electricity grid even smarter
Feedback: The science of not knowing
Reviews of climate ignorance, confused humidity, noble lawyer rats and more
Basketball sleeve knows you've hit the perfect shot
The sleeve is equipped with sensors that sit over the wearer's biceps, forearm and hand to track their arm movements and improve their game
Most precise clock to watch tiniest ever time dilations
Slivers of time hundreds of trillions of times smaller than a second can now be clocked – so we can see if an object ages differently to another just below it
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