Apollo astronauts still have a problem - 45 years on

Getting your name immortalised in the official map of celestial objects is something many Earthbound stargazers yearn for. But recent letters to New Scientist from two Apollo astronauts – including Apollo 13 crew member Jim Lovell – show that even blazing a trail into space and setting eyes on off-world features for the first time is no guarantee of success.

When Apollo 8 carried humans to orbit the moon for the first time in December 1968, crew members hoped they would get to pick the names of various lunar features, the letters reveal.

In one, the mission's lunar module pilot William Anders explains how he picked what he thought were appropriate craters. They were visible from their craft as they skimmed around the far side of the moon and it was the first time they had ever been seen.

He writes that his hope was they would be named after fellow crew members Frank Borman and Jim Lovell - later credited with the lines "Houston, we have a problem" during the Apollo 13 mission - and himself.

But three different craters ended up bearing their names, all out of sight of the flight path. In a follow-up letter, Lovell adds that his own suggested name for a lunar mountain was not officially sanctioned, either.

Anders says he made his feelings clear to the International Astronomical Union, responsible for naming celestial objects. "I wrote to the IAU to try to correct this and even included the flight map. I got brushed off by its bureaucracy – and never got my map back," he writes.

Both Lovell and Anders got in touch with us in the wake of our recent story on the IAU's decision to consider public input when naming newly discovered exoplanets and other space objects.

When contacted by New Scientist, the IAU said it had been unaware of the controversy and that it is hard to comment on the process given the time that has elapsed. It is possible that NASA, rather than the astronauts, communicated with the IAU over the choice of craters, said a spokesperson.

The letters are below:

From William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut

I am pleased that the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has pledged to pay heed to public opinion when naming celestial bodies (24 August, p 7). I only wish it had done so sooner.

I was a member of the first crewed flight around the moon. In training, I chose names for a few of the unnamed craters along our orbital track. These included America, Kennedy and Houston, as well as the names of crew (Borman, Lovell and Anders) and NASA colleagues and leaders.

These were recorded on our lunar orbital map and used during the mission. I had picked a small but well-formed crater just over the lunar horizon to be "Anders", since it could not be seen from Earth and thus had not been named by early moon gazers. However, a spacecraft directly above the crater could see Earth and thus communicate with mission control.

I thought these names would have some priority, but when the IAU honoured our crew with crater names, it picked three craters that were not only well out of sight of our orbital track, but also in darkness at the time of our mission.

I wrote to the IAU to try to correct this and even included the flight map. I got brushed off by its bureaucracy – and never got my map back.

East Sound, Washington, US

From Jim Lovell, Apollo 8 astronaut

I agree with the views of my fellow Apollo 8 crew member William Anders on the naming of lunar landmarks (14 September, p 30). The International Astronomical Union (IAU) disregarded his suggestions, even though we discovered the craters on the far side of the moon.

On the near side of the moon, on the shore of the lunar plain known as the Sea of Tranquility, there is a small mountain that had no name. I observed it on Apollo 8 and called it Mount Marilyn, after my wife. It was used as the starting point for the descents of Apollo 10 and 11.

Although the IAU does not officially recognise the name, it is embedded in spaceflight history.

Lake Forest, Illinois, US

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