First vaccine for H7N9 may be too little, too late

A vaccine for the new strain of bird flu may be too little, too late.

The US has launched the first human trials of a vaccine against H7N9, the bird flu virus that emerged in China in February. The virus is lethal, killing 44 people out of 135 known cases. Fortunately, it does not transmit easily between people, which stops it triggering a pandemic.

However, it does already have three of the five mutations it is thought to need to spread easily. Its existing mutations allow H7N9 to infect cells deep in the human lungs, which can cause deadly pneumonia, but also in the nose and throat, making it more likely to become capable of person-to-person transmission.

H7N9 does not kill chickens, because it lacks the necessary mutation to cause serious illness in them, so it circulates silently in poultry and reveals its presence only when passed to humans and they start dying. In May, Chinese epidemiologists pinpointed live poultry markets as the main threat. There have been only three new human cases since June after markets were shut.

The respite might also have been due to the onset of warm summer temperatures, however, which kill the virus. But the virus could be adapting to spread in mammals by infecting other hosts such as pigs.

So the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has now launched the first-ever tests of a vaccine against H7N9, made by the French-based vaccine giant Sanofi Pasteur.

H7 viruses don't provoke much of an immune reaction, though, meaning that six times as much virus could be needed as that put in seasonal flu vaccines. The global vaccine manufacturing capacity for flu vaccines is 4.54 billion doses per year, says Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. The swollen dose needed for H7N9 vaccines would cut that figure to 757 million – not much in a pandemic.

So the NIAID is testing H7N9 vaccines with adjuvants, agents that stimulate the immune system, making smaller doses of virus effective. Adjuvants are already used in some flu vaccines in Europe, but the US has resisted authorising them because they are associated with more side effects. "The US Food and Drug Administration will decide what to do, depending on what data we get in the trials," says Bruce Gellin, head of the US National Vaccine Programme in Washington DC.

Even with the adjuvants, it would take 17-22 weeks to grow and make a vaccine – and manufacturers will not switch from seasonal flu to pandemic vaccines until they are sure a pandemic is underway. "That means a vaccine will be too late, as it was in the last three pandemics," says Osterholm.

There may be a better option: people who had mild illness during the 2009 flu pandemic also had many white blood cells, of a type called CD8 T-cells, which recognise parts of flu viruses that do not vary between strains (Nature Medicine, DOI: 10.1038/nm.3350).

A vaccine that elicits CD8s might not stop us getting infected, but it could stop us dying in a pandemic – and could be made and given before a pandemic starts, as it would work against all types of flu. Labs are working on CD8 vaccines, but they won't be ready if H7N9 strikes soon.

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