In rural parts of the world, building a reliable road infrastructure seems night impossible. Andreas Raptopoulos has another idea: vast networks of drones
You think that drones could help get vital supplies to the one billion people without reliable access to roads?
That's correct. The key concept for us is a network of small drones. Alone, each of those vehicles could cover only a small segment of the transportation network, but together they can have a big spread.
Why not build roads?
Following the lead of road systems in the West is a nearly impossible task for the African continent. You're talking about a massive infrastructure investment and a huge ecological footprint. If you were to deliberately plan out an approach to transportation and logistics in Africa, would you do it in the same way? I'm convinced that the answer is no. Instead, I think you would use a few different modes of transportation – and one would be an aerial method like the drone network we're proposing.
Won't a drone network be expensive too?
For us, the most interesting thing happening with drones is in the super low cost category. The vehicles that you can buy today for $1000 can do amazing things, and it's just the beginning of this technology. Instead of big machines, like the ones the military use, we're thinking small.
So you're not thinking about mass transport of crops, but smaller items like medicines?
Initially, it will be for medicine and diagnostics – things that are lightweight, high value. But over time, as the technology matures, there's a clear opportunity to move heavier loads. That's the big dream of Matternet – to become a transportation method that will allow economic growth.
In your recent TED talk you said that drones could take HIV test samples from remote field clinics to a hospital. Tell us about this.
It's something we're trying to make happen. In Maseru, a district of Lesotho where we have done a case study, there are 47 clinics that collect blood samples and six labs that analyse them. First you put those on a map and see if there are reliable transportation links for any of them. Then, if not, you design a transport system using UAVs.
You did some field trials last year in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. How did those go?
We took a few of our prototypes to see if they work well in hot and humid environments, and also to see how people felt about them and to explore some possibilities for how they could use the technology. I couldn't have been happier with the enthusiastic reception we got.
Cellphones have transformed life for many in Africa. Do you think the same could happen with drones?
Yes. It's a radical idea, but we believe that drones could do for transportation what mobiles did for communications. Fifteen years ago, if you had said that mobile telephones would give access to these extremely poor communities and enable their economic growth, nobody would have believed it. We believe it's the same for transportation.
This article appeared in print under the headline "One minute with... Andreas Raptopoulos"
Andreas Raptopoulos is co-founder and CEO of Matternet, a company in Palo Alto, California, that is dedicated to using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for vital transport networks
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