OPPONENTS of genetic modification are up in arms again, this time over the proposed release of GM flies in Spain. The insects are designed to wipe out olive flies, a major pest (see "Designer insects to wipe out pests and disease"). The anti-GM claims are familiar: the long-term effects are not known, and thus the potential for ecological and health problems is not properly understood.
What you won't hear from opponents is that GM insects have already been released into the wild, with no ill effects. Seven years ago, for example, millions of GM bollworms were released in the US to test a technique for tackling a cotton pest. The trial produced ample evidence of safety and effectiveness, with no reports of unexpected problems.
Each potential release has to be considered on its own merits and risks, of course. But the previous trials provide confidence that the basic techniques are sound. These projects can easily be halted and their effects reversed.
And in the case of the olive fly, the aim is to prevent repeated insecticide spraying – which also has potentially damaging long-term effects. GM insects may be a better alternative. We should try them and find out.
This article appeared in print under the headline "The devil we know?"
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