Editorial: "What makes the purrfect pet?"
The domestic cat is easily the world's most popular pet, outnumbering dogs by as many as three to one. This popularity is undoubtedly helped by the fact that cats are simultaneously affectionate and self-reliant. They need virtually no training. They groom themselves. They can be left alone without pining for their owners, but most nonetheless greet us affectionately when we get home. In a word, they are convenient.
Even so, cats remain aloof and inscrutable. Dogs tend to be open, honest and biddable. Cats, on the other hand, demand we accept them on their terms, but never quite reveal what those terms might be.
Will we ever know? I'm convinced that we will. I've shared my home with quite a few cats, but I don't feel that this has taught me very much about what they are really like. Rather, it is ...
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