Proton sent through looking glass to gauge oddest force

The proton, one of the fundamental building blocks of matter, has been sent through the looking glass. For the first time, physicists have measured how it is affected by the weak force, the only fundamental force to treat objects and their mirror images differently.

The result is consistent with the standard model of particle physics – something of a disappointment for those hoping nature's weirdest force would reveal something more exotic. But it's also a preliminary finding, so the force could yet point the way to new physics beyond the standard model.

Nature has four known forces – the electromagnetic force, which gives rise to positive and negative charge, gravity and the strong and weak forces. But the weak force, which acts only on the subatomic level and is responsible for radioactive decay, has an odd quirk.

If you're on a water slide, gravity pulls you along at the same rate, whether the slide turns clockwise or counter-clockwise. But in the subatomic equivalent of these situations, the weak force behaves differently. "If you do an experiment and compare it with a mirror-image of that experiment, you get different results," says Shelley Page, a physicist at the University of Manitoba, Canada, and part of the Q-weak collaboration, which made the latest measurement.

Physicists speculate that further examination of the weak force might hold clues to other exotic behaviour. They had previously measured its pull on other particles, including the electron, but had never managed to do the proton.

"We're looking for a sensitivity of this weak charge to something that might be there that isn't in the standard model," says Page. "If there's something out there that the proton could be feeling, that would show up as a difference between the proton's expected value and what we find."

Switching spins

Q-weak researchers measured the weak force's pull on the proton – a first – by taking advantage of this unique feature. Using equipment at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia, they shot a beam of electrons at a target of protons while switching the "spin" – a quantum mechanical property – of the electrons between clockwise and counterclockwise, at a rate of 1000 times per second.

The behaviour of the electron beam was dominated by the electromagnetic attraction between the protons and electrons, with only a tiny influence from the weak force. But electromagnetism treats clockwise and counter-clockwise electrons the same way, unlike the weak force. So the Q-weak team subtracted the counter-clockwise behaviour from the clockwise behaviour, leaving behind nothing but the small effect of the weak force on the electrons' interaction with the protons.

They found that the "weak charge" of the proton, the weak force's analogue to the electric charge, was consistent with the prediction of the standard model, offering no immediate clues to new physics.

But Q-weak is still holding out hope of a surprise as the measurement is preliminary, involving only 4 per cent of their data. "This is a demonstration that you can measure the proton's weak charge, but to do the science Q-weak really wants to do, they're going to have to analyse the whole data set," says Bradley Filippone, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology who was not involved in the experiment.

Page agrees: "We weren't expecting to get a rigorous test until later," she says. "If the final measurement agrees with the standard model, fine. If it doesn't, that'll be very interesting."

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