Today on New Scientist

NASA revives Starshade to let Earth-like worlds shineMovie Camera

The idea of using a space umbrella to shade a telescope from an alien sun is back on the table – a mock-up was recently unfurled for the first time

First vaccine for H7N9 may be too little, too late

US tests first H7N9 vaccine in humans, but a novel vaccine that gives less specific protection could be a better option

Real-world Civilisation game shows impact of war

A model similar to the computer game Civilisation recreates human history and shows the importance of warfare in stabilising society

Grizzly cameraman snaps rare shots of swimming bears

Their startling closeness and rare perspective is thanks to Roggo's daring – and his waterproof camera, attached to a 9-metre-long pole

World won't cool without geoengineering, warns report

The latest draft of the IPCC climate report says global warming is irreversible without schemes to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere

Apollo astronauts still have a problem - 45 years on

They visited the moon, but letters to New Scientist reveal that two Apollo 8 astronauts feel their views were overlooked in naming lunar features

Vive le carbon tax: France to tax fossil fuels

From next year, the French government will tax transport fuels based on how much greenhouse gas they emit

Early humans saw black hole light in the night skyMovie Camera

The supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy may have flared up some 2 million years ago, around the time our ancestors learned to walk upright

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