Meet the man writing a language to program life
Synthetic biologist Drew Endy is leading efforts to make the natural world programmable – which means blurring the distinction between information and matter
NASA orbiter will use laser to bring broadband to moon
The LADEE spacecraft is due to launch on Saturday and will use laser pulses to exchange data with Earth, in an attempt to bring high-speed data to space
Fracking chemical leak kills threatened fish
Chemicals used in the controversial gas extraction process spilled into a river in 2007, wiping out the local population of the vulnerable blackside dace
Surf's up for pack of hunting sharks
A unique shot of lemon sharks hunting in a group shows why respect is growing for this maligned group of animals
Carbon dating shows ancient Egypt's rapid expansion
Ancient Egypt, the prototype state, became a powerful civilisation surprisingly fast, according to radiocarbon dating that sets the first solid chronology
Japan will build wall of ice to stem Fukushima leak
Stemming the radioactive leak at Fukushima with a wall of ice will cost $320 million and use enough power to run 3300 Japanese households
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