Life returns to slopes of US's deadliest volcano
The eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980 killed 57 people and destroyed hundreds of square kilometres of forest – now life is back in all its green glory
Humble drops of water levitate their way to stardom
Messing with an ultrasonic field in just the right way can levitate, flatten and then add starry spikes to water droplets
Gold leaves mark the spot for buried treasure
Tiny amounts of gold can be sucked up from deposits and stored in the leaves of plants, giving us an easy way to detect precious treasure
Mars air turned to stone to cool planet
Turning a greenhouse gas into stone is a climate change technofix suggested for Earth. Now it seems it may have dramatically cooled Mars 3 billion years ago
Extreme rhubarb: The plant that grows a greenhouse
While all around it cower from the cold and wind high in the Himalayas, one plant stands tall. Now its secret is out
Threatwatch: Polio re-awakens in Syria
The global campaign to eradicate polio is in jeopardy as the virus breaks out amid the chaos of war-torn Syria
3D drops raise hopes of cure for baldness
For the first time, new human hair has been grown from transplanted skin cells, meaning that baldness might soon be a thing of the past
Zoologger: Galloping dung beetles are puzzlingly slow
All insects walk the same way – except for three species of dung beetle, which have been caught galloping, very slowly
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