Today on New Scientist

'A mathematical formula can change history'

Mathematician Edward Frenkel wants to expose the beauty of mathematics, inspire awe at its power and challenge his colleagues to wield it for good

Give your e-reader a rub to recharge itMovie Camera

Paper Generators from Disney Research use nothing more than cheap foil and a sheet of Teflon to generate power from rubbing or tapping

Nobel prize for making chemistry less messy

Cyberspace chemistry means we can now understand everything from how enzymes react with drugs to how catalysts clean exhaust fumes

Astrophile: Lost moon Naiad swims back into view

The small moon of Neptune has been found after 24 years, and its erratic behaviour hints that the planet's entire family may be headed for rocky times

Swifts stay airborne for six months at a time

We've long suspected that swifts spend most of their lives on the wing − now, a study suggests there's some truth to the idea

Supernova echoes found trapped in meteorite metals

The oldest known minerals in the solar system show evidence of a nearby star explosion – maybe even the one that triggered the birth of the sun

Are some rich firms' land grabs not the real deal?

A database that lists land deals between governments of developing countries and foreign firms appears to detail many more deals than really exist

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