Feedback: Light of whose life?

Feedback is our weekly column of bizarre stories, implausible advertising claims, confusing instructions and more

POWER your home "24 hrs a day with green energy generated by your solar system," says the website, plugging the "revolutionary product" Midnight Sun. It goes on to say that users can still benefit from the "Feed in Tariff". That's what the UK government calls the "guaranteed" price at which people with solar panels can sell their excess electricity to the National Grid.

Reader Simon Mallett dug around and found reports that the system costs £5500 plus tax, and its rated storage capacity is 9 kilowatt-hours of energy.

Simon wants to know how long it would take to recoup your investment. A friend of Feedback contacted Awe Energy for details, but received no response. As far as we can tell, the device stores electricity generated when it is sunny, leaving ...

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