2013 review: The best features of the year

Read more: "2014 preview: 10 ideas that will matter next year"

Dig deeper, look closer and think harder – these are the goals of New Scientist's in-depth articles. Each one is perfect for saving in your favourite read-it-later app and curling up in front of a glowing tablet for a good long read.

These are our editors' picks of our best features of the year, and all are prime examples of the amazing breadth of big ideas that were ripe for the tackling in 2012. Normally only subscribers can read them, but we're making them available for free for 10 days from 24 December – all you have to do is register with us.

When you have finished digesting these readable meals, visit our in-depth articles archive if you're hungry for more.

Quantum shadows: The mystery of matter deepensMovie Camera

Richard Webb: For me, the cover story of our first issue of 2013 was the perfect thing to clear the mind of the holiday fug. Physicists and philosophers have been arguing for centuries about the true nature of matter – particle or wave? In the 20th century, quantum physics seemed to have supplied the answer: it is both at the same time. That's bamboozling enough, but not half as strange as what the latest quantum experiments now seem to be saying. Physics at its most mindboggling!

Workouts are no antidote to death by desk job

Graham Lawton: This is one of those stories that changes the way you see your life – but also help you change it for the better. It's about how too much sitting down is really, really bad for your heath even if you exercise regularly. It connected with people around the New Scientist office, and by extension the wider world, because of the universality, and surprise value, of its take-home message. Are you sitting comfortably? Well, DON'T!

The voices within: The power of talking to yourself

David Robson: Look away from your screen for a moment and listen to your thoughts. Chances are that words of some kind were bouncing around your head. Psychologists have somewhat neglected such "inner speech", but recently they have begun to explore questions once thought unanswerable: does everyone's inner voice sound the same? What about deaf people with no spoken language? And what are the benefits of all that chatter? Anyone who reads this feature by psychologist Charles Fernyhough will come away with some profound insights on their internal life.

The hologenome: A new view of evolution

Michael Le Page: Do our microbial hangers-on play a huge role in evolution? So important, in fact, that instead of thinking about natural selection as involving an individual plant or animal, we should think about it affecting a collective – including all the microbes? That's the radical idea that Richard Jefferson came up with in the 1980s. More than 30 years on, evidence is beginning to emerge that he was right.

How did we lose a 1400-tonne ocean liner?

Douglas Heaven: "Oh, by the way, we've lost a ship." So begins a brilliant old-fashioned yarn about a modern-day ghost ship. A decommissioned ocean liner breaks free of its tether and drifts across the Atlantic on a collision course with the coast of Ireland. The only problem is nobody can find it. In a year when revelations about global surveillance made it seem like there were no more secrets and nowhere left to hide the idea that we can still lose a 1400-tonne ocean liner is oddly reassuring.

The body: The great skin safari

Kate Douglas: We all have one, and we think we know it pretty well, but in this special issue we wanted to take a sideways look at the human body. The result was a really entertaining selection of articles considering all sorts of ephemera from our unruly bodily urges to the question of whether it is possible to eat so much that your stomach explodes. It's hard to pick a favourite, but for sheer creative exuberance it would have to be this one in which our news editor Rowan Hooper imagines taking a Lilliputian safari over the surface of the body. Read it. It will make your flesh crawl.

Future law: Can you be slandered by a robot?

Ben Crystall: Whenever technology has changed human capabilities, the legal world has had to adapt. In this feature Richard Fisher tells of the the mind-bending legal consequences that could arise from robots, drones and human teleportation. All that and what must qualify as New Scientist's worst joke of the year.

Fixing broken brains: a new understanding of depression

Sally Adee: Why don't antidepressants work? By the end of the 20th century, the effectiveness of drugs that worked on serotonin to lift depression was considered a done deal. Over the past decade, however, it has become clear that up to half of people treated with these drugs don't get better. Instead of branding the treatments themselves as ineffective, the response has been to cast such patients as "treatment-resistant". Could we have got it wrong about antidepressants? An investigation revealed that perhaps we've got it wrong about something much more fundamental: depression itself. This piece makes sense of a long and confusing debate about a subject that is anything but abstract.

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