Richard Dawkins has inspired millions with his popular science books, yet also drawn fire for controversial remarks – particularly on religion. Rowan Hooper wanted to know how he feels about his public image and if, at 72, he worries his role as the world's most famous atheist will eclipse his scientific legacy
You have just published part one of your memoir. Is it intended as a humanising exercise, to show you're not a mean, nasty baddie?
I don't know how many people think I'm mean. I'm certainly not and I didn't consciously set out to do any image-cleaning or anything. I like to think it's an honest portrayal of how I really am. And I hope it is human, yes.
Nevertheless, there's a gulf between the real you and the caricature Richard Dawkins. How has that come about?
I have two theories which are not mutually exclusive. One is the religion business. ...
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