New Scientist 2013 holiday quiz

Always finding fault, you nasty sapiens (Image: Reuters/Nikola Solic)

Test your friends' and family's knowledge of Neanderthal shortcomings, offbeat IT, celestial portents, lurid headlines and more with our end-of-year quiz

2013 was a time of strange intelligence. Mind melds were particularly popular, starting with the news that two human brains wired to a computer can steer a virtual spaceship better than one human brain wired to a computer. (Although not as well as one human hand attached to, say, a wheel.)

It gets more fun when you wire the brains directly to each other, and this year saw the first demonstration of rat-to-rat telepathyMovie Camera, soon followed by human-to-rat telepathyMovie Camera. With the power of thought alone – oh, and a load of electronics – a human made a rodent wag its tail.

Mechanical minds were not to be left behind. Quantum computers moved from the exciting realm of outlandish possibility into the dull realm of practical utility, when we saw that a controversial device made by Canadian firm D-Wave, can be faster than a PC at solving some mathematical problems. And there is evidence that this device qualifies for quantum status, as it displays entanglement – which of all quantum phenomena is the most confusing, and therefore the best. To cap off the year, why not test your own strange intelligence with our mind-muddling quiz, starting with our cousins above.

1. Poor old Neanderthals (see above). Once crudely derided as brutish and barely human, now belittled in a slightly more sophisticated way as we pick over Neanderthal bones for clues as to why they died out while our own oh-so-superior subspecies prevailed. Which of the following Neanderthal deficiencies did we point out on 16 March?

a) Chins too small. Lacking an anchor point for facial muscles meant weaker chewing and a more restricted diet

b) Eyes too big. Huge visual cortex left little brain space for social skills

c) Arms too short. Bad for throwing spears and picking fruit

d) Feet too big. Easy for cunning Cro-Magnons to trip them up. Also fatally disfavoured by Fats Waller

2. Step aside, silicon. Another advance in offbeat IT arrived when scientists made a computer from what (reported 28 September)?

a) Alan Turing's DNA

b) Octopuses navigating a maze

c) Carbon nanotubes

d) Lego

3. Our need to strew the pages of New Scientist with the word "quantum" means we must keep hunting for new quantum gadgets. What featured on 1 June?

a) A quantum thermometer, to take the near-absolute-zero temperature of a Bose-Einstein condensate

b) A quantum barometer, to capture pressure variations in the plasma atmosphere of the moon

c) A quantum odometer, which records the distance travelled over all possible roads

d) A quantum quantometer, which measures how quantumy a quantum phenomenon is, in quantum terms

4. Naval warfare has been at the cutting edge of technology ever since the cutting edge of technology was an edge that cut. What bellicose innovation, installed on the warship USS Ponce, did we report on 20 AprilMovie Camera?

a) A speaker system that can blast irritating music 10 kilometres

b) A robot stingray, whose tail can drill through an enemy's hull

c) A low-carbon flamethrower, fuelled by biodiesel

d) A laser cannon so powerful it can set light to a small speedboat

5. We trust that readers of New Scientist don't look for personal portents in the night sky, but what symbol of good luck was spied in the heavens this year (20 July)?

a) The Wishbone galaxy, site of a collision in the Virgo cluster

b) The Rabbit's-foot nebula, severed by the sword of Orion from the Limping Rabbit nebula

c) The Horseshoe crater on Mars, at the centre of Fortuna Regio

d) A four-leaf-clover-shaped plasma tail, trailing the sun

6. New Scientist's subeditors are dab hands at the deliciously lurid headline. Which of these is a real one from 16 November?

a) Mind-controlling sea slug stabs its lover in the head

b) Galaxy-eating black hole goes on gory rampage

c) Space-rending shockwave to end universe in nasty fashion

d) Flesh-melting superbug turned dinosaur into pool of goop

7. While we watch out for hazardous plasma storms flung Earthwards by the fretful corona of the sun, we can be less worried about what new variety of space weather (13 April)?

a) Intergalactic fog

b) Nitrogen snowdrifts on Pluto

c) Alcoholic hailstones on Titan

d) Electric rain falling from Saturn's rings

8. Taxonomists like a bit of a laugh. What apt Latin binomial identifies a newly discovered insect (1 June)?

a) P. culiarus. While most lice are wingless, the Moravian louse has six wings and no legs

b) Z. impolitus. The ground louse male mates by slapping one giant sperm onto the female's back

c) V. minusculus. The wall louse is only 70 micrometres long

d) S. referentius. The louse louse lives as a parasite upon itself

9. What new nanogadget may prove handy if one day we send nanobots to nanoschool (27 April)?

a) Nanoprotractor, for measuring very small angles (of any size)

b) Nanopair of nanocompasses, ostensibly for drawing very small circles but mainly used to carve rude nanomessages

c) Nanosatchel, folded from a sheet of graphene

d) Nanoruler. Fundamental twang frequency: 42 gigahertz


1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 d, 5 d, 6 a, 7 d, 8 b, 9 a

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