It's a milestone in medical progress: a company has finally pushed the cost of sequencing the human genome down to $1000. But don't bother rushing to order your spit test, at least not just yet.
Even if the manufacturer of the newly announced $1000 test, Illumina of San Diego, California, were making the technology available to the public – which it isn't – there would be no point for most of us. Rather than helping healthy individuals assess their risk of disease, the immediate reasons to cheer the breakthrough are that it should help us to decode a bunch of complex diseases, including diabetes and schizophrenia.
At the moment, doctors generally turn to DNA sequencing only to investigate individual genes and only under certain circumstances. With cancer it can guide treatment decisions, for example. It is also used to detect instances of rare inherited single-gene disorders like cystic fibrosis.
Because sequencing a whole genome has been expensive, it is rare. There is only one published case of a patient being given medical treatment thanks to their genome being sequenced: a boy with a mysterious and apparently deadly bowel disorder, who was shown to have a treatable autoimmune condition.
Precipitous fall
Researchers, on the other hand, do have grounds to get excited about Illumina's cheaper test. The low-hanging fruits in genetic research have already been picked – mainly identifying conditions caused by mutations in a specific gene such as some types of inherited breast cancer.
Now the harder work begins: we need huge studies with tens of thousands of people to understand the basis of conditions caused by the complex interplay of many genes, like schizophrenia, autism, heart disease, dementia and diabetes.
"The key observation over the last 10 years is that studies need to be very much bigger than we thought," says Rory Collins, an epidemiologist at the University of Oxford.
And big studies need cheap sequencing. The price of reading out a human genome has fallen precipitously from the $3 billion it took to do the first one, back in 2000. Still, for the past couple of years it has hovered stubbornly around the $3000 mark. Illumina's announcement, at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco earlier this week, is seen as a landmark. "One of the main reasons sequencing hasn't been done on a lot of people is the cost," says Collins. "This really does change the game."
$100 dollar genome
For instance, a UK plan to sequence the genomes of 100,000 people, announced in 2012, relied on this long-awaited price drop materialising. "This was expected but it's still great news," says John Burn, a geneticist at Newcastle University, UK, and adviser to the project.
The next task will be to improve our abilities to analyse the huge amount of information generated by such research. "The ability to deal with the data will probably be outstripped by the ability to generate it," says Collins.
Once we have met those challenges, the time may indeed come when it is worth ordering that spit test. By then it might be even less of a financial stretch. Talk now is of the $100 genome. "If market forces remain present, the price is going to keep going down," says Mick Watson of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, UK.
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