Dust factory seen in the heart of an exploding star

(Image: Alexandra Angelich (NRAO/AUI/NSF), NASA Hubble, NASA Chandra)

This baleful red glow is a dust factory, located at the heart of a dead star's expanding remains.

It is the first time such an object has been glimpsed at the centre of a supernova. The red glow is newly formed dust in the cool centre of the remnant, while the blue and green part is the shockwave expanding into space.

Supernovae are extremely bright explosions that occur when massive stars die, ejecting their matter into space. This one is called supernova 1987A – its light first reached us in 1987, having travelled all the way from the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The image was created by combining data from several telescopes. The shockwave was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, while the dust was seen by ALMA in the Atacama desert, Chile.

It has long been suspected that supernovae are the source of the dust that filled the early universe, but it was not clear that they could create enough. The huge dust cloud in supernova 1987A suggests that they can.

The results were reported at the January meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Washington DC, and will appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters .

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