Dwarf planet caught spitting inside asteroid belt

The dwarf planet Ceres has been caught spouting water vapour, perhaps from a layer of buried ice or even from slushy volcanoes.

"This is the first clear-cut detection of water in the asteroid belt," says Michael Küppers of the European Space Agency. It backs up indirect signs of water on other asteroids – good news for would-be space miners hoping to use that water as fuel.

Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt, the ring of space rocks between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is so massive that its own gravity makes it nearly round, like a planet, earning it the title of dwarf planet alongside Pluto and three other objects beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Astronomers used to believe that asteroids from the main belt were too close to the sun to stay wet, and only comets from the far fringes of the solar system were able to hold onto any water ice. But recently, asteroid-belt objects have been spotted with comet-like tails of dust streaming behind them, suggesting that they too have solid ice on their surfaces that is vaporising and releasing dust into space.

Spotty spouts

Also, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has got a good look at the asteroid Vesta. It spotted gullies that may have been carved by short-lived streams of liquid water. It is likely these were created when meteorite impacts melted surface ice, according to work presented at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December 2013.

Tantalising hints of water molecules breaking apart above Ceres's surface had turned up in earlier observations. Now ESA's Herschel spacecraft has spotted water vapour directly. The telescope's infrared eye first saw signs of this life-giving substance around Ceres in October 2012. A 10-hour observation in March 2013 then helped the team tie the vapour to dark spots on its surface.

That link suggests meteorite impacts could have exposed an icy layer beneath the dwarf planet's dusty surface, causing ice to vaporise in the open patches. Or the tiny world's heart may still be warm enough from the heat of its formation to make ice volcanoes erupt.

Water and colour

We should soon know for sure: the Dawn spacecraft is due to arrive at Ceres in 2015 for its first close-up inspection.

"We're expecting to see a very interesting surface," says principal investigator Christopher Russell at the University of California, Los Angeles. Finding water among the asteroids is leading us to a more nuanced understanding of these objects, thought to be leftover material from the birth of our solar system, he adds.

"We started off with a very naive, simple view: let's think about the rock and the iron, and forget about little details like how much water came along with these materials," he says. "But as we study something, our concept matures. We put in a little bit of colour, a little bit of structure and in this case we put in a little bit of water. It's not all that different from an artist painting a picture."

Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature12918

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