Listen up Fido! The brains of humans and dogs respond in the same way to vocal sounds like laughter and barking. The finding suggests that the voice processing area of the brain evolved only once, at least 100 million years ago.
Attila Andics of the MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Hungary and his colleagues trained 11 dogs to lie motionless in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. They recorded patterns of brain activity in the animals as they listened to nearly 200 human and dog noises, from whining and crying to barking and laughing. They also performed the same experiment on 22 humans.
Most animals have to be sedated for brain scans, to stop them moving. This limits what the scans can tell us. But recently, better training methods have meant it has become possible to train dogs to lie still long enough to scan them while awake. Andics is the first to compare humans and dogs in the same experiment.
The scans revealed that human and dog brains both lit up in similar areas in response to the sounds. As might be expected, dogs responded more strongly to dog sounds, and humans responded more to human sounds.
Bark to me
"Dogs and humans share a similar social environment," says Andics. "Our findings suggest that they also use similar brain mechanisms to process social information." That might help explain why humans and dogs communicate with each other so readily.
Andics also proposes that the results indicate a single evolutionary origin for the voice processing area of the brain, potentially dating it back to at least 100 million years ago – the last time humans and dogs shared an ancestor.
But there is an alternative explanation, says Clive Wynne of Arizona State University in Tempe. "The brain is a highly plastic organ, and the dogs' responses could just be the result of a lifetime listening to human voices," he says. "It doesn't necessarily point to an evolutionary similarity, except to show that there are similar 'continents' in human and canine brains that might do similar things."
"Similar brain activity does not necessarily mean that dogs and humans, or even individuals within each species, experience sounds and vocalisations in the exact same way," says Monique Udell of Oregon State University in Corvallis. "We should take care to recognise and value the unique perceptual and emotional worlds of each species, just as much as we have come to value the similarities."
Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.01.058
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