Palm readers beware: biologists have found a way to accurately predict lifespan – at least in worms.
Meng-Qiu Dong at the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing, China, and her colleagues added proteins to nematode worms that fluoresce when they detect damaging free radical molecules in their mitochondria.
Mitochondria generate a cell's energy. It's long been thought that an accumulation of free radicals, produced when cells metabolise, drives the ageing process by damaging DNA and proteins. Mitochondria are particularly at risk because they produce free radicals in large quantities but lack the DNA repair mechanisms found in other parts of the cell.
Dong's team found that the number of "mitoflashes", caused by the presence of free radicals, emitted when a nematode was three days old could predict its lifespan. Worms typically live for 21 days and are at their peak of reproductive fitness at 3 days old. Those with low mitoflash activity at that time lived longer, while those with high mitoflash activity died before day 21.
The next step was to test how well their mitochondrial clock took genetic and environmental factors that alter lifespan into account.
Mitochondrial clock
Worms carrying a genetic mutation known to extend life to 39 days exhibited fewer mitoflash bursts than genetically healthy worms, and free radical production peaked later in their lifespan. Conversely, worms with a life-shortening mutation exhibited much higher than average mitoflash frequency which peaked earlier.
The same pattern was seen when the team exposed the worms to short periods of starvation and heat shock, environmental stresses that counter-intuitively increase lifespan, and to a toxic herbicide known to shorten lifespan.
"The finding that mitoflash frequency in early adulthood predicts lifespan corresponds well with our earlier observations that some early-life events and conditions could be good longevity predictors," says Leonid Gavrilov of the University of Chicago, who researches ageing in humans.
Dong hopes that her team's technique – the first non-invasive, lifespan predictor for live animals – will encourage others to explore whether the link between high free radical production in the mitochondria and accelerated ageing holds true in other animals.
It might eventually help clinical researchers investigate energy production in human cells from people with mitochondrial disorders, she says.
Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature13012
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