Today on New Scientist

Chilled spiky lizard helps Peruvian park nab a record

This tough little creature has helped Peru's Manú National Park claim the title of having the world's most diverse collection of reptiles and amphibians

Interplanetary comms get easier with a nanotech boost

Laser signals from deep space are hard to read – but a super-cool nanoscale light detector might make it easier

Zoologger: Sabre-toothed frog is an evolutionary loner

With a pair of vicious-looking fangs, Odontobatrachus natator is bad news for prey animals – including other frogs

The beauty and intellectual wealth of visualised data

Learning to ask the right questions about how to communicate science is the take-home message from the Beautiful Science exhibition at the British Library

Travelling truck surgeons save lives in the Andes

Aspiring surgeon David Cohen scrubs up with a team aboard a pioneering mobile operating theatre in a remote part of Ecuador

Feedback: Mars attacks sore throats

Mars attacks sore throats, District Court for Mars invoked, signs and portents and more

Electrical healing from Frankenstein to birth pangs

We have long intuited that electricity can heal the body, and this has led to shocking quackery. But now bioelectric medicine is being reanimated

Big bang birthday: Six mysteries of a cosmic bombshell

Fifty years since the first confirmed signal of the big bang and physicists are still wrestling with the questions it raises about the nature of the universe

New cache of fresh neurons found in human brains

Brain-cell regeneration has been found in a new location in our brains – the new cells may one day be used to treat brain diseases or help stroke recovery

Warmer world may wreak havoc with the Atlantic

Rising temperatures could destabilise Atlantic currents, potentially triggering intense African droughts and faster sea level rise around Europe

ButtonMasher: 80,000 spar to control same Pokémon game

Right now, tens of thousands of gamers are using video-streaming site Twitch to try and play a single version of classic retro game Pokémon. But why?

Testicular time bomb: Older dads' mutant sperm

Every man's sperm is fighting an evolutionary civil war – and over the years, it ups the risk of fathering a child with a genetic disorder

Dog brains respond to calls just like human brainsMovie Camera

The brains of humans and dogs light up in the same place in response to vocal sounds, suggesting these processing areas are inherited from a common ancestor

Win Beautiful Science swag from the British Library

Celebrate the mind-bending beauty of visual science and win a bundle of prizes including tickets to see author David McCandless at the British Library

Healing spark: Hack body electricity to replace drugs

We're learning to speak the electrical language of the body – and using it to develop treatments for diseases from arthritis to diabetes

Cannabis can kill without the influence of other drugs

Post-mortems reveal that, in rare cases, marijuana can cause heart problems that prove fatal

Cockpit for apps: Minority Report meets Google GlassMovie Camera

Once everyone's wearing Google Glass, we'll need a way to pilot our way through our virtual worlds. Cue your best Tom Cruise impression

Health trauma of floods may last after waters subside

People hit by flooding could suffer lingering health problems. Tracking those affected by the current deluge in the UK could clarify the long-term impact

Darkness at the end of Brazil's great water tunnel

Enter the surreal world of Cuncas II, part of a 477-kilometre network of tunnels and canals being built to deliver water to parched north-eastern Brazil

Robots with human-like brains to take on Mars unaided

Processors used in gaming and supercomputers could give robots much more human-like minds, enabling them to navigate the skies and explore Mars autonomously

Spinning wind turbines spark clockwork lightningMovie Camera

The rotating blades of wind turbines trigger regular lightning bolts that can blast 2 kilometres up into the atmosphere

Baby universe rumbled with thunder of Higgs bubblesMovie Camera

Sonic booms made as the Higgs boson boiled into being could point to new physics if gravitational wave detectors can find the ripples they left behind

Britons need to accept their new climate

The increasing likelihood of extreme weather events poses big challenges for the UK. Fortunately, there are some unexpected precedents

Honeybee trade is hotbed for carrying disease into wild

Lethal viruses which could play havoc with the wild insects that pollinate crops are being spread by honeybees bred for trade

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