From self-repairing phones to a weightless collection of digital possessions, the future promises to let us enjoy our belongings without today's drawbacks
EVERYBODY has prized possessions. We collect things obsessively and yet simultaneously worry about the rise of clutter and the global impact of wasted stuff. But can technology offer ways to ease this ambivalent relationship?
Extending the lifespan of objects could help us minimise the guilt of wasted devices. When Dutch designer Dave Hakkens's camera stopped working, he wanted to have it repaired. After all, it was just one part that had worn out – the lens motor. But the manufacturer said it could not be replaced. "Basically, they told me to just get a new camera," he says. "That's how it goes with electronics. We buy it and if one small part breaks we just throw away the entire thing."
It inspired Hakkens to develop "Phonebloks" – a ...
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