Don't let new boundaries cut off UK science

Many scientists in the UK could soon find themselves isolated from their colleagues in Europe and Scotland. That must not happen

WHEN Louis Pasteur remarked that science knows no country, he clearly wasn't thinking of research funding. In principle, scientists don't pay much attention to the nationality of their collaborators: they simply seek out people who can help advance their studies. In practice, the choice of research partners is constrained by migration policies, funding regimes and political will. Today, the potential choices are greater than ever – which is why it is frustrating that the constraints may now be tightened.

Ungainly though it is, the European Union is on balance good for science, and particularly for science in the UK. That is now threatened by the surge in support for Eurosceptic parties in last week's elections (see "What the data says about Europe's lurch to the right"). If the UK Independence Party (UKIP) gets its way, and the UK steps away from the European Union, the country's researchers may find themselves cut off from their former collaborators (see "Vote UKIP and risk the future of British science"). There is no sign that UKIP is bothered about this: it has failed to respond to New Scientist's repeated requests for comment.

That is not the only question mark over the future of UK science. In September, the Scots will vote on whether they want their country to secede from the UK. As we report (see "Four futures for an independent Scotland") science and technology would play important parts in shaping an independent Scotland's future, just as they have shaped its history: think of Alexander Graham Bell, James Clerk Maxwell, James Watt and Lord Kelvin, among others.

But today's Scottish science is rarely done by lone geniuses. Rather, it is conducted at world-leading research institutes, such as the Roslin Institute, the UK Astronomy Technology Centre and the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, where researchers from around the globe can come together to collaborate. Again, it is unclear how cross-border access to funding and facilities will be arranged if Scotland goes it alone.

This is worth thinking about, particularly because UK leaders have recently been vocal in their support of a resurgence in science and technology in pursuit of a more balanced economy. Last month, chancellor George Osborne outlined a plan to encourage the development of research clusters – including one stretching across southern Scotland – and pledged to invest £7 billion in science infrastructure over the next parliamentary term.

This avowed enthusiasm for science, from so close to the top of government, is encouraging, even if the details remain to be thrashed out and opinions differ on how big an economic benefit such a strategy might yield. But if UK science is to succeed, Osborne, his colleagues and his successors must address its international dimensions too. So far, science has gone unmentioned in both the Scottish and European debates. That needs to change.

Once, nations guarded the prowess and achievements of their researchers jealously. But forgoing narrow definitions of national interest in favour of collaboration has proved hugely productive. It would be a setback if scientists found themselves facing those barriers again, when their ideas so clearly benefit from being taken up by anyone, anywhere in the world. As Pasteur also said, knowledge belongs to humanity.

This article appeared in print under the headline "Science sans frontières"

Scottish science

Where would an independent Scotland fit in with the rest of the science world? Could Scottish researchers lose access to other international facilities, including ones in the rest of the UK? Will researchers south of the border still be able to do science in Scotland?

The Scottish government says it will be business as usual. It plans to reach an agreement with the rest of the UK and will continue funding science through the research councils.

But as with most of the debates over independence, there are claims and counterclaims. Scottish science receives a disproportionately high share of the UK's research council funds: Scotland is home to 8 per cent of the UK population but receives over 13 per cent of that cash. In 2012-13, it amounted to £257 million in grants.

The UK government says that an independent Scotland would have to supply its own funding, and that to maintain the status quo would cost 0.23 per cent of Scotland's 2012 GDP. It also warns that Scots would lose out on other funding from UK government departments, such as the Ministry of Defence.

In truth, nobody knows. In the case of a vote for independence, research funding is one of many details that would need to be hammered out. There would be a negotiation and transition period between the vote on 18 September and the proposed Independence Day of 24 March 2016.

Issue 2971 of New Scientist magazine

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