Feedback: Dolls of destiny

Feedback is our weekly column of bizarre stories, implausible advertising claims, confusing instructions and more

BARBIE dolls: does playing with them discourage a future in research? Feedback suggested that it's more a matter of how you play, given a report of doll mummification (5 April).

Support for this thesis is provided by a friend of Feedback reporting a film re-enactment involving a row of dolls buried neck-deep in sand. The scene was from Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, set in a prisoner-of-war camp. That friend is now researching the laws of war, particularly those governing occupation.

Andrew Doble's bank annoyingly limits his online transfers to £999,999,999,999,999.99 – some 56 times the US national debt. What does it know about inflation that we don't?

DISCLAIMERS on websites are developing into an art form. We liked the sober disavowal of responsibility concluding with a warning that "Should you decline ...

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