Start-ups could use the flood of small, cheap satellites heading into orbit for everything from commercial data gathering to mining the waste in landfills
THERE are some big plans brewing for small satellites. With hordes of cheap orbiters filling the skies, researchers and start-ups are promising a powerful new perspective on earthly activities that range from global commerce to perfecting the art of mining landfills for recyclable materials.
On 10 June, Google acquired Skybox Imaging, a 5-year-old Silicon Valley firm, for $500 million. The company already has a 1-metre cube satellite called SkySat-1 in orbit and has plans for 23 more, each with high-resolution imaging and video capability. The satellite's design is an iteration of the diminutive 10-centimetre Cubesats that have been used for scientific research since 2003.
The appeal for Google, and other firms, is the potential to mine profitable data from satellite images. For instance, commodity traders might pay top dollar for detailed information on the level of oil in Saudi Arabia's storage facilities. Predicting retail activity – a key economic indicator – could be done by counting vehicles in the car parks of supermarkets and malls. Google has said it will use the images to improve Google Earth and its Maps app, though that is likely to be just the beginning of its plans.
Mining of a different kind could get a boost too. One start-up looking to capitalise on the high-flying trend is Terra Recovery, based in Harwell, UK. It wants to hire satellites already in orbit to prospect landfill sites for potentially valuable materials.
Landfill mining isn't new, but it's tremendously expensive. There are 25,000 active or historic landfills in the UK, but finding out what might be in them means drilling about a hundred 25-metre-deep holes into each one to extract core samples. Each core costs around £1200.
Still, the incentive to mine landfills is large. In the US and UK, only about half of aluminium drinks cans are recycled, so recovery of these alone could make mining viable. Then there are rare-earth metals that could be retrieved from discarded electronics, along with bits of tin, copper and gold.
But it all has to be accessible. Landfills covered by vegetation are no good, as are fills that have been built over. That's where satellites come in.
"If the satellite gives us 1000 potential sites from the 25,000 in the UK, we would then use drone reconnaissance to get a richer picture of, say, the wood cover and surface profile," Terra Recovery co-founder Greg Fitzgerald said last week at a meeting of the UK government's space business advocacy group in London. "We could also use other sensors to assess methane outgassing levels and explosion risk."
Initially, the firm plans to use information collected by European Space Agency satellites, which have a 1-metre resolution. But it could later switch to satellites like the 28 imaging cubesats that the firm Planet Labs of San Francisco already has in orbit.
Planet Labs ultimately wants a fleet of 100 of the tiny satellites – enough to refresh its imagery of the entire planet once a day, says Arin Jumpasut, a Planet Labs imaging engineer. That will make it good for monitoring fast-changing issues like refugees leaving conflict areas, or deforestation, he says. And with an open software interface, anyone will be able to develop apps that use the imagery.
This article appeared in print under the headline "Prize in the sky"
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