Violence threatens bid to eradicate guinea worm
Ethnic violence, food shortages and cholera in South Sudan may imperil a global effort to make guinea worm the second human disease ever eradicated
Three-parent babies inch closer to winning UK approval
A technique that creates babies from the DNA of three people in order to avoid mitochondrial disease could become legal in the UK this year
Overheated koalas show tree-hugging is cool, man
Australia's cuddliest marsupials spend most of their time clinging to tree branches, but it's not because they're lazy: it helps them cope with the heat
All systems Tao: Holistic view of life's networks
Fritjof Capra goes beyond The Tao of Physics with The Systems View of Life, a much-needed vision of biology with a dash of Eastern mysticism
Unravelling taste genes could help us eat healthily
As well as helping people lose weight, diets tailored to an individual's genetic make-up could one day help fussy eaters get all the nutrients they need
Learn a second language to slow ageing brain's decline
A study tracking hundreds of Scottish people reveals that those who learned an extra language have sharper minds now they've reached 70
Physicists hunt for disappearing Da Vinci
A Da Vinci drawing, believed to be a self-portrait, has been intimately explored to find out how to save it – and nothing but light touched it in the process
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