We can build a sustainable world – if you want it

Would you want to live in the sustainable world? (Image: Adam Simpson)

Healthy, happy and peaceful – that's what life will be like if we choose to tackle climate change and overconsumption. But will a green economy be any fun?

THE system isn't working. Or, depending on your point of view, it's working too well.

Our current economic system has lifted billions of people and entire nations out of poverty, and provides most people in the developed world with a standard of living that royalty couldn't dream of a century or two ago. The problem is that its very success – the intensity with which it motivates and finances the exploitation of nature, the multitudes who consume the cornucopia of goods and services it pours out, and the system's built-in drive for continual growth – is sending us headlong past critical natural boundaries.

The list is long and ...

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