Feedback: Build in how many dimensions?

Feedback is our weekly column of bizarre stories, implausible advertising claims, confusing instructions and more

QUANTITY surveyors, are, in Feedback's experience, sober people with a clear grasp of the concept "quantity". They will thus be alarmed at the assertion that Adrian Dooley forwards from the National Building Specification website: "Building Information Modelling (BIM) involves generating a visual model of the building... working in 3D, 4D (workflow) and, increasingly, 5D (quantity surveying)."

We look forward to playing with 4D models of buildings, even if only to watch the paint dry, then peel. But does the organisation have any idea how complicated it would be to survey quantities in 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein universes (described in Instant Expert, 4 June 2011)?

Ben Dallimore alerts us to an exciting headline on the BBC News Health page: "DNA project 'to make UK world leader'." Take DNA from Aneurin Bevan, Sylvia Pankhurst, Alan ...

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