Source of sun's power revealed by ghostly particles

ELUSIVE particles from inside the sun are providing a glimpse of the solar forges.

Physicists have known for 75 years that the sun is powered by nuclear fusion, which involves two protons colliding to produce helium and energy. But they have never seen it happening directly.

Photons that arrive in sunlight are hundreds of thousands of years old, so tell us only about fusion in the distant past. One way to spy on recent solar fusion would be by glimpsing elusive particles known as pp neutrinos, which are produced when protons collide.

All neutrinos have no charge and almost zero mass, so interact very weakly with ordinary matter – trillions pass through your body every second, unnoticed. But pp neutrinos are even more aloof because they carry less energy than other neutrinos.

Now the Borexino experiment in Gran Sasso, Italy, has caught some. The team has been hunting pp neutrinos for seven years using a spherical tank filled with a liquid scintillator, which produces flashes when struck by ionising radiation, like that given off by a neutrino. The tank is watched by more than 2000 detectors that count the flashes, and thus the neutrinos.

To shield it from false signals like cosmic rays and radiation from Earth, the tank lies more than a kilometre underground. The materials used to build the detector are also very slightly radioactive, so the team has to constantly purify the scintillator.

Their efforts paid off: the team detected about 90 pp neutrinos hitting Borexino every day. That means the sun produces enough of them to pump about 66 billion through every square centimetre of Earth each second (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature13702).

That number agrees with predictions of the standard solar model. Physicists had estimated the number by looking at sunlight, but because photons take hundreds of thousands of years to emerge from the centre of the sun, it's not a measure of what's happening now. Neutrinos punch straight through the sun, giving an up-to-date signal that takes 8 minutes to reach us. "This again confirms that the standard solar model is on the right track and does an excellent job of describing energy production and transport within the sun," says Andrew Renshaw of the University of California, Los Angeles, who was not involved in the work. "This is truly a great feat."

Studying pp neutrinos could also shed light on other mysteries. Previous experiments detected higher-energy neutrinos produced by secondary reactions in the sun, and showed that they morph between three different types. We still don't have a complete picture of how this process works, but Borexino may help.

"With this measurement it will be possible to put better constraints on beyond-the-standard- model physics," says Renshaw.

This article appeared in print under the headline "Ghost particles leak sun's secrets"

Issue 2984 of New Scientist magazine

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