Today on New Scientist

Soviet dog spacesuit for pooches with the right stuff

Your canine companion can strut its stuff in this authentic Soviet spacesuit, worn by genuine doggy heroes of the space race Belka and Strelka

Painful memories eased by inhaling xenon gas

The odourless, colourless and mostly inert gas xenon has been used to ease painful memories in mice. It could help us to forget our own past traumas

Earth's tectonic plates have doubled their speed

The latest study suggests Earth's plates today move twice as fast as they did 2 billion years ago – maybe because the mantle has got more runny

Voyager 2's view of solar system's edge will be unique

There's reason to think Voyager 2's sensors will pick up changes that contrast with what Voyager 1 saw en route to the edge of interstellar space

Emailing angry? Your keyboard feels your pain

By measuring the way you are typing, a computer program can detect how you are feeling with 80 per cent accuracy

Beautiful spiral cracks could be a feature, not a flawMovie Camera

Unusually uniform, watercolour-like fractures that form in high-tech materials could be used to manufacture micro-patterned surfaces

Feedback: Tipping the quantum scales

The appliance of science, fake delusions equal profit, sinister buttocks in essays and more

Let's talk about the weather to revive climate debate

Explaining how climate change is affecting today's weather will be tricky, but it might bring home to the public the everyday reality of global warming

3D-printed books make pictures real for blind children

Children's classics like The Very Hungry Caterpillar have come to life for visually impaired children thanks to 3D-printed Braille text and tactile pictures

A to zinc: What supplements are worth taking?

Vitamins, minerals, fish oils… the list of nutritional supplements you can buy keeps growing. Some are worth it, some aren't. We sift the evidence for you

Ferguson protests spark calls for cops to wear cameras

On-body cameras mean police use less force, and a range of new apps are giving citizens new ways to hold errant police officers to account

Moving home? Your microbes will make the trip too

Families have identifiable collections of microbes that travel with them. It can take just 24 hours for the microbes to take over a new house

Taming of the bunny rewrote rabbit genome

When rabbits were domesticated, around 100 regions of their genome changed to make them less fearful, but the variations are not fixed

Mapping the web of disease in Nairobi's invisible city

Peter Guest discovers how studying the way diseases jump from animals to humans sometimes means wrestling pigs in a slum that doesn't officially exist

Fossil dinosaur nursery includes babysitter's bones

A crèche of 30 dinosaur infants looked over by an older animal shows that even terrible lizards needed a night away from the kids

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