Big business steals the show at New York climate talks

Maybe it was because the UN's big climate summit was being held within a couple of kilometres of Wall Street. Tuesday's summit of world leaders, hosted by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, was upstaged by corporate leaders pledging to cut carbon emissions from their operations and investment portfolios.

Finance houses led the way. A group of investment institutions, including pension funds and corporate asset managers, promised to "decarbonise" their investment portfolios by $100 billion by the end of next year. This means pulling out of funding coal mines, oil wells and oil-palm plantations in rainforests, for instance.

"Climate change is more and more recognised as a financial risk," said Mats Andersson, CEO of AP4, a Swedish pension fund. Both AP4 and the Dutch Bank ASN promised to make their entire investment portfolios carbon-neutral by 2030.

A price on carbon

Meanwhile, an even larger group of 340 financial institutions – who claimed to be managing $24 trillion in assets – joined other corporations and many governments in calling for a global system of carbon pricing to reflect the environmental cost of carbon emissions. Such a system would push their investments out of fossil fuels and towards low-carbon energy, they said. But it would have to do better than the European Union carbon trading system, which is plagued by low carbon prices that provide little incentive.

Competing for attention with the finance houses were big companies that plant or trade in agricultural commodities grown on cleared rainforests. In recent months a slew of them – including Unilever, the world's biggest supplier of supermarket products, and major palm-oil suppliers Wilmar and Cargill – have committed to ban crops grown on newly deforested land from their supply chains.

No to deforestation

This week, those companies joined political leaders in signing the New York Declaration on Forests, pledging to halve forest loss by 2020 and reach "zero net deforestation" by 2030. In part, this will be done by restoring 3.5 million square kilometres of crop lands degraded by soil erosion and over-grazing, or simply left idle, the declaration says.

"Consumers have sent companies a clear signal that they do not want their purchasing habits to drive deforestation, and companies are responding," said Unilever CEO Paul Polman.

Nigel Sizer, forest director at the World Resources Institute, a US-based think tank, said the promise "could result in more emissions reductions than removing every car, bus and plane from the US, China and India combined." Indonesian forest peoples' leader Abdon Nababan called the declaration "a low-awaited show of political will".

The corporate declarations show how business, rather than governments, is taking centre stage in the climate change debate. The focus for climate diplomacy should be climate finance, argues wrote Stephen Tindale, former director of Greenpeace UK, and author of a report for the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank backed by corporate donors, published last week. G20 efforts to phase out fossil fuel subsidies could themselves have more of an impact than the climate treaty governments hope to sign in Paris next year, he argued.

The New York pledges followed a report from economists earlier this month, which argued that low-carbon investment would deliver faster economic growth for corporations and countries.

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