Does this climate narrative really change anything?

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If we don't act soon, climate change could become an existential threat (Image: SeppFriedhuber/Getty)

Naomi Klein's analysis of climate change is a full-blooded offensive against free-market fundamentalism and elite money-players, but key questions are left unanswered

Political arguments are not won by nuanced scientific claims, nor by clever point-scoring devices: they are won by telling stories – human stories – that resonate powerfully and persuasively with their audience.

Now, as the New York climate summit meets, we have just such a powerful story about climate change and what it means for the world in

This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein, writing fellow of New York's Nation Institute and darling of the radical left.

Following Klein's earlier books No Logo and The Shock Doctrine, it will be no surprise that her climate change story is a full-blooded offensive against capitalism, the ideology of free-market fundamentalism and the elite money-players who breathe life into it.

This, simply put, is her narrative: human influences on the atmosphere must be arrested urgently to keep global warming below 2° C. If not, then the ensuing changes in climate become an existential threat.

Most people, although aware of the concept of climate change, are in denial about the catastrophic reality. That is because we are all compromised, and hence pacified, by what she calls the "extreme market fundamentalist ideology" driven by the political and corporate elites running the world.

The green economy, carbon trading, new energy technologies and proposals for climate engineering are all failed or failing fixes for an increasingly desperate crisis. Only bottom-up social mass-movements, such as the tar sands blockade, offer hope. To defeat free-market capitalism requires new moral vigour and altruistic sacrifice among ordinary people. If not, all hope is extinguished.

There are few heroes, but many villains – and not just the usual suspects. Klein has little time for green pragmatists in US pressure groups such as The Nature Conservancy or the National Resources Defense Council, nor for green billionaires like Richard Branson or Jeremy Grantham. Politicians like Obama, along with carbon pricing, fracking, nuclear energy and even 21st-century socialism all turn out to be on the wrong side, according to Klein.

Anti-capitalist protesters in central London during protests ahead of the G8 summit last year (Image: LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images)

The book is powerfully and uncompromisingly written, the impassioned polemic we have come to expect from Klein, mixing first-hand accounts of events around the world and withering political analysis.

If this narrative appeals to you, then you must read This Changes Everything today. It will release the moral energy that Klein calls for and inspire you to acts of resistance and sacrifice.

But what if this narrative does not accord with how you see the world? Even if it does strike a chord of truth, if it is what you would "like" to believe, will it persuade you to join the populist movements Klein desires to be mobilised from both left and right? And are there examples of enduring success emerging from "people's movements" over the last 200 years? Klein herself is sceptical.

Well, you too should read the book and discover whether this story of climate change resonates, whether it is persuasive. But there are many people for whom it will not.

So the problem for Klein remains twofold. What is it that causes someone's worldview to change, and, for those who share her worldview, from where is the new moral energy for action to be drawn? A clear answer to either of these questions is lacking in the book.

Social psychology research, which Klein herself quotes, shows that world views are rarely changed by paying attention to climate science. Indeed, Klein's own encounter with climate science confirms this: it is simply a useful means for her to secure a prior goal. This suggests – President Kennedy's famous quote can be borrowed – "ask not what you can do for climate change, but what climate change can do for you". The issue then is not just about climate science, but about everything else.

Klein's relationship with science seems rather schizophrenic. On the one hand, she calls on it to justify the goals and the timelines of the cause and to define the consequences of failure. But on the other hand, she recognises the impotence of science to provide the decisive epistemic or moral authority needed for that vital motivation.

Thus she recognizes that the 2° C goal is a political choice not a scientific discovery, and that evidence just presents us with the logical need to choose from a range of options.

In Rio de Janeiro about 1,500 people walked on Sunday for the defence of a global policy to preserve the environment (Image: Thiago Ripper/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty)

And what about the source of the climate movement's "full moral voice"? Klein alludes to the Abolitionists' and the civil rights movement's unyielding vision of right and wrong, but is remarkably silent on religion.

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