Free will persists (even if your brain made you do it)

The vast majority of people think we have free will and are the authors of our own life stories. But if neuroscientists were one day able to predict our every action based on brain scans, would people abandon this belief in droves? A new study concludes that such knowledge would not by itself be enough to shake our confidence in our own volition.

Many neuroscientists, such as the late Francis Crick, have argued that our sense of free will is no more than the behaviour of a vast assembly of nerve cells. This is tied to the idea of determinism, which has it that every effect is preceded by a cause, with cause and effect connected by physical laws. This is why the behaviour of physical systems can be predicted – even the brain, in principle.

As author Sam Harris puts it: "If determinism is true, the future is set – and this includes all our future states of mind and our subsequent behaviour."

If people lost their belief in their own free will, that would have important consequences for how we think about moral responsibility, and even how we behave. For example, numerous studies have shown that when people are led to reject free will they are more likely to cheat, and are also less bothered about punishing other wrongdoers.

All an illusion?

For those who argue that what we know about neuroscience is incompatible with free will, predicting what our brain is about to do should reveal the illusory nature of free will, and lead people to reject it. Experimental philosopher Eddy Nahmias at Georgia State University in Atlanta dubs this view "willusionism". He recently set out to test it.

Nahmias and colleagues borrowed an idea from Harris, and gave 278 people a story describing a future neuroimaging technology that allows perfect prediction of decisions based on a person's neural activity, recorded in a special skull cap. In this future world, a woman called Jill is fitted with a skull cap for a month, which allows scientists to predict everything she'll decide and do with 100 per cent accuracy, including how she'll vote in upcoming elections. To some, the fact that Jill is totally predictable – like the trajectory of balls bouncing around a pool table – is clearly incompatible with her having free will in the first place.

The team found that 92 per cent of participants said that Jill voted of her own free will, contrary to the expectation of the willusionists.

Mind control

In another version of story, the scientists didn't merely predict which way Jill would vote – they also manipulated her choice via the skull cap. With that scenario, most participants said that Jill did not vote of her own free will.

To find out why prediction didn't impact beliefs about free will but manipulation did, the researchers posed a series of questions about why Jill behaved as she did in the different scenarios, and whether she remained responsible for her behaviour.

They found that even when Jill's behaviour could be predicted, people still thought she acted on her own reasons, and remained responsible for them. When she was manipulated, she acted on someone else's reasons and the responsibility was no longer her own.

For Nahmias, this suggests that, when it comes to free will, people are "theory-lite", which renders the fact that our behaviour is generated by the brain, whose actions can predicted like the weather, largely irrelevant. "People don't have detailed metaphysical views about what underlies free will," says Nahmias. "What people care about is that their own conscious reasoning makes a difference to their behaviour – and nothing in neuroscience suggests it doesn't."

"This paper breaks new ground," says Joshua Knobe, a philosopher at Yale University who has also studied people's thinking about free will. Knobe says there's a widespread concern that the more we learn about the brain and the roots of behaviour, the less room there is for free will and moral responsibility. "But this study suggests that whatever it is that we find threatening to free will, it isn't neuroscience."

Journal reference: Cognition, DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2014.07.009

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