How to be genuinely yourself when always online

Don't lose yourself in a digital world (Image: Patrick Zachmann/Magnum Photos)

If you want to be free in a digital age, must you switch off your computer, ask two new books, The End of Absence and The Glass Cage

WHAT is it like to be alive at the moment? How is our sense of self changed by what we experience? Can we even say there is such a thing as an indelible self of the kind envisioned by psychoanalyst Carl Jung? And, if so, what impact does technology have on it?

The End of Absence by Michael Harris and The Glass Cage by Nicholas Carr grapple with these fundamental, intriguing questions. Harris discusses "what we've lost in a world of constant connection", while Carr muses on how automation influences us. Both authors are concerned with the cyber revolution and how it has affected society and the self.

Harris, in his mid-thirties, feels that he is one of the "translators of Before and After". He points out that, before long, no one will remember a time before the internet, and asks what this unavoidable fact means.

At the beginning of his story, Harris is a full-time journalist. He spends his days emailing, tweeting, watching videos of dancing cats, uploading pictures of his lunch and so on. One day, Harris realises he has an excessive number of windows open on his computer at the same time, and a text appears on his phone from an ignored friend: "Dude, are you alive or what?"

He fears he may be making an unnerving realisation: the internet has become the "real world" and physical reality is being set aside. "The daydreaming silences in our lives are filled; the burning solitudes are extinguished," he says. Longing for his lost solitude, Harris quits his job and embarks on a quest to regain the "absence" of before.

For a while Harris boycotts the internet altogether, discerning that "if solitude feels painful, it's only because we don't know how to be alone" – words inspired by American polymath Henry David Thoreau. Harris is eloquent on virtual narcissism, the "inauthenticity" of augmented reality, filter bubbles and web curation. He spends evenings at home, reading War and Peace, in the hope that Tolstoy might offer an antidote to cyber-surfeit. I suspect Tolstoy would have been tweeting himself senseless were he alive today. But Harris is sick of the internet, just genuinely bored.

Carr's The Glass Cage is also about how the digital age is changing who we are. Automation makes lives easier and chores less burdensome, but it also has "deeper, hidden effects... Automation can take a toll on our work, our talents, and our lives. It can narrow our perspectives and limit our choices."

Here, too, the main concern is our loss of alertness and individuality. The complacency automation breeds can lead to collective stupor: drivers blindly follow their satnavs even to the brink of a fast-flowing river or gaping abyss. Pilots, used to relying on autopilot, forget how to fly.

Concerning the promise one Google executive made that Google Maps would mean "no human ever has to feel lost again", Carr remarks: "To never confront the possibility of getting lost is to live in a state of perpetual dislocation." Silicon Valley's obsession with streamlining people's lives using software reduces the individual to "a passenger in his own body".

Carr's vision is bleak – and exaggerated, as is Harris's description of a life of cyber sound and fury, signifying nothing. Yet both authors emphasise that they don't want to return to the predigital age. Carr makes a crucial point when he argues that the real sentimental fallacy today is "the assumption that the new thing is always better suited to our purposes and intentions than the old thing. That's the view of a child, naive and pliable." And neophilia fuels consumerism: if people believe new equals good, they are more likely to chuck out last year's iPhone and queue overnight for the latest model.

So technology is only an aspect of a bigger problem: the way extreme capitalism stymies the individual. Take Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's notorious proposal that people today can only have one identity, and even that acting differently with friends and co-workers shows "a lack of integrity". We are, Carr says, "creatures of the Earth. We're not abstract dots proceeding along thin blue lines on computer screens." When the drivers of the internet convert us into market algorithms, or objects of surveillance, our unease is as much about inequality as about the technology itself.

Both Harris and Carr seek to disentangle the individual from the ties that bind, and to detach the "I" from the "we". The advice? Do (almost) anything, so long as it is genuinely felt – intended, rather than imposed. Do not sleepwalk across the internet, or elsewhere. If you want Google Glass attached to your face, go ahead.

On the other hand, beyond the dire compulsion of earning a wage, no one has a gun to your head: "Tweet or die!" We can exist passionately and distinctly, online or offline. We can develop complex, authentic experiences beyond the grasp of the most sublime algorithm, so long as we are truly and freely ourselves.

This article appeared in print under the headline "High-tech psyche"

Joanna Kavenna is a novelist and journalist

Issue 2988 of New Scientist magazine

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