Fresh hints of dark matter at Milky Way's core

The centre of the galaxy looks to be lit up by the death-throes of dark matter. Spotting another of the signals we expect to see from dark matter particles annihilating each other could boost confidence that previous observations were the real deal. It could also offer a new way to examine the properties of the mysterious matter.

Dark matter makes up 80 per cent of the stuff in the universe, but it is difficult to see because it barely interacts with ordinary matter except through gravity. We can observe it indirectly by looking out for the high-energy photons thought to be released when two of these particles collide and annihilate each other. A popular theory holds that there are three different mechanisms by which dark matter annihilation can produce these gamma rays, two of which have been observed previously.

Now, a team at the University of California Irvine has used observations from NASA's Fermi space telescope, along with data from all-sky surveys, and applied updated calculations to observe our galaxy's centre – where there is thought to be a cluster of dark matter. The team's findings bolstered observations of the two gamma-ray sources seen previously, as well as finding evidence of the third mechanism for the first time. "It increases the consistency of the picture that dark matter may be causing all three different classes of emissions being seen in the galactic centre," says Kevork Abazajian, one of the researchers behind the discovery, which was presented to the International Fermi Symposium in Nagoya, Japan on 22 October.

One of the ways dark matter can produce gamma rays comes directly from the particles' annihilation. When two of them come together, they explode and leave behind a type of particle called a lepton and its antiparticle as debris.

Whenever that happens, there's some energy left over, which gets emitted as a gamma ray. Astronomers have claimed that the Fermi telescope has been seeing possible signs of those gamma rays since 2010.

But with those stray leptons flying around, other things could happen too. One is that they could scatter off of dust. When a charged lepton such as an electron hits dust, it slows down, and the energy it loses in the process gets emitted as another kind of gamma ray. Physicists saw this sort of emission from the galactic centre in 2013, and now Abazajian and his colleagues have strengthened that evidence.

Triple whammy

But the brand new signal that the team found is different. They showed that you would also expect starlight passing through the galactic centre to be deflected off electrons left over from dark matter annihilation, producing a third gamma ray signal. And when they examined data from all-sky surveys of starlight, they saw exactly the expected signal at the galactic centre.

The find should boost confidence that we are seeing dark matter annihilate in the centre of the galaxy, says Abazajian. "It will change the odds for a lot of people, I think," he says. "It makes it more difficult or more involved to try to get it to not be dark matter."

"I agree with the authors that dark matter seems to be a reasonable interpretation of this signal," says Dan Hooper at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, who was a member of the first group to see a signal that looked like dark matter annihilation at the galactic centre.

But not everyone is convinced. Roland Crocker at the Australian National University in Canberra says the signal is interesting and potentially significant. But he notes that finding evidence of gamma rays scattering off electrons doesn't tell us where the electrons came from. They could come from pulsars that are spinning at crazy speeds or from supernovae at the galactic centre.

But, if the signal is indeed from dark matter, Abazajian is particularly excited about what it could reveal about the nature of this elusive stuff. Competing theories of dark matter predict that it will emit different types of leptons in different ratios when it annihilates. Comparing the strength of each of these signals, as well as examining their precise shape, could help us figure out how often dark matter annihilates into each of the types of leptons. "It provides a totally new window into understanding what is going on in the galactic centre emissions," he says.

Journal Reference: arXiv,

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