Future scenarios show how easily Ebola could explode

Just how bad will the Ebola outbreak in West Africa get? There have been predictions: 20,000 cases by November; more than a million by January. But these are milestones. No one has said how many cases there might be in total by the time the epidemic peaks and tails off, once everyone in reach has been exposed to the virus.

That is because mathematical models of epidemics are notoriously bad at accounting for the uncertainties in such predictions, such as how people's behaviour changes as an epidemic progresses. But a new model by David Fisman and Ashleigh Tuite of the University of Toronto in Canada – the first to take account of efforts to fight infections – suggests that if things continue as they have been up until now, 700,000 people could have had the virus by the time the epidemic in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone subsides – in early 2016.

Fisman's prediction is based on reported cases of Ebola. (The previous prediction of more than a million cases by this coming January had assumed that the actual number of cases is 2.5 times the reported cases, so the same multiplier could be applied to Fisman's figure.) Importantly, he can track whether efforts to limit contagion grow in proportion with the epidemic. So far, the data from West Africa suggest that this is in fact happening. But if anything happens to slow that fight, his model suggests that total cases could balloon to many millions.

Climbing exponentially

Other epidemiologists are putting numbers on what many have been saying for months now – that in many ways, the response to the epidemic is too little, too late. But while that may be true, Fisman's model suggests that efforts so far are nevertheless making a big difference.

On 23 October the World Health Organization declared that the epidemic is still growing exponentially. It is worst in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Alison Galvani and her colleagues at Yale University used standard epidemiological models to calculate the impact there of various additional measures to slow the epidemic.

They calculated that, from a start date of 15 October, if more infected people had been found, and treatment centres had been built in which to isolate them, 50,000 to 120,000 of the 170,000 new Ebola cases expected in Monrovia by mid-December could have been averted. That's around the time the epidemic hits the steep rise of the exponential curve. But as the total number of cases climbs, the ability of each measure to avert cases became smaller: applying the same measures starting 31 October or 15 November averted far fewer cases.

Galvani's model's closest approximation of the WHO's current target – isolating 70 per cent of infected people by 1 December – averts 60,000 cases, she says, but only if dozens more treatment centres are built in Monrovia soon. Otherwise, the cases averted plummet to just 5000. The US military's 17 new treatment units, to cover all of Liberia won't open for "a few weeks".

Everything helps

But Fisman's work shows that even the measures taken so far have been worthwhile. In a commentary with Galvani's report, he says it has been hard to predict how big epidemics will get, because they often decelerate faster than their initial growth suggests.

Fisman observes how epidemics slow during the first six or so "generations" of spread from person to person, and calculated a new "discounting" term to account for this in models. For this term to stay constant, efforts that slow spread must increase in proportion to the epidemic. In West Africa, they have. "We keep rechecking [the new term] every 15 days, and it's been rock solid." Each case now spreads Ebola to fewer people than at the start of the epidemic. It's just not slowing fast enough, he says.

Meanwhile, the predictions of Fisman's model are so far closely tracking the fast-growing Ebola epidemic – at least in terms of cases reported. "Empirically this just works, and freakishly well for forecasting," says Fisman.

Moreover, he modelled what would happen if efforts to control the disease faltered, which could happen as a result of civil disturbance as cases mount. Such faltering would mean the discounting term shrinks. A 40 per cent reduction in the term made predicted Ebola cases balloon from 700,000 to 12 million. Because this is a derived term, it's hard to know how it translates to what's happening on the ground. But one thing is clear – small changes in how we respond have big effects, says Fisman.

More optimistically, if currently experimental drugs and vaccines work against Ebola, significant quantities should become available in 2015, when the model says the epidemic will peak. This could lead to a much faster decline in cases than currently predicted.

Representatives of the GlaxoSmithKline, meeting with WHO officials in Geneva this week, say that by December 2015 they should be able to make a million doses of vaccine a month.

Journal reference: Galvani et al,The Lancet: Infectious Disease, DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70995-8. Comment piece by David Fisman and Ashleigh Tuite, DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70851-5

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