Today on New Scientist

Seabed feeding frenzy proves dead jellyfish get eatenMovie Camera

Time-lapse imagery of scavengers tucking in proves that dead jellyfish aren't unpalatable after all, so can return nutrients to the sea's food webs

Computer with human-like learning will program itself

The Neural Turing Machine will combine the best of number-crunching with the human-like adaptability of neural networks – so it can invent its own programs

Cargo rocket explosion is a blow for commercial spaceMovie Camera

No one was hurt when the uncrewed Orbital Sciences spacecraft blew up seconds after take-off – but has the reputation of private shuttles been injured?

Cellular alchemy turns skin cells into brain cells

To turn one cell into another you usually need to first rewind them into embryonic-like stem cells. But there is another, potentially safer, way

Trap cells in sound to create strong cartilageMovie Camera

Ultrasound waves can be used to trap cartilage cells and bind them into sheets that can be easily grafted on to damaged tissue

Number of disease outbreaks jumps fourfold since 1980

In the past 30 years, the number of disease outbreaks has increased, as has the number of diseases causing them – infections from animals are a big cause

A killer plague wouldn't save the planet from us

One-child policies and plagues that cut the population won't be enough to fix our ecological problems, models suggest. Only changes in consumption will do that

Coming face to face with a shy thresher shark

Meeting sharks can be a moving experience, says photographer Jean-Marie Ghislain, who works to educate people on the plight of sharks around the world

What one Amazonian tribe teaches us

From female suicide to the nature of being civilised, probing tribal life in the 21st century needs an unflinching, critical eye

Guzzling milk might boost your risk of breaking bones

A study of more than 100,000 Swedes has revealed that drinking a lot of milk is associated with an increased risk of bone fractures and death

The comeback cubs: The great sea otter invasionMovie Camera

After being nearly wiped out a century ago, the sea otter population in Canada is booming. But not everyone is glad to welcome them back

Cold moon Enceladus has heart of warm fluff

Known for shooting spectacular plumes of water into space, Saturn's tiny moon keeps warm thanks to a core that is slushy and soft rather than rock solid

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