Transformers: Humanity's next 1000 years

(Image: Jonny Wan)

Eternal health, brain uploads, the end of privacy… with technological innovations coming at breakneck speed, how will they affect our evolution?

TWO million years of innovation has changed our bodies, brains and behaviour. An unassuming ape became a species with symbolic thought and sophisticated language. We covered the Earth and carved out complex relationships with each other and the natural world. Our inventive ingenuity has allowed us to shield ourselves from the worst of nature's slings and arrows and step beyond the biological constraints of our ancestors.

But it's not going to stop here. As our rate of innovation continues to increase, what we invent will continue to change who we are in ways we can only begin to imagine.

Perhaps we will pop pills. Or perhaps doctors will become more like mechanics who we'll visit for regular genetic maintenance. Either way, many think we're ...

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