Today on New Scientist

Enter the kaleidoscopic world of cancer drug crystals

Celebrating the International Year of Crystallography, an exhibition in London reveals the beauty of crystal structures

Philae drills comet, but may not survive the night

Time is running out to get crucial comet data back from ESA's Philae lander as its solar panels are not getting enough sun to charge the batteries

Zoologger: Stingless suicidal bees bite until they die

Who needs a sting when you can sink your insect teeth into the body of your enemy, choosing death over ever letting go?

Feedback: Very traditional error messages

Lords and revenants, saving the spooks' site, managementgonads goes quantum and more

Axing Europe's top science job is a step backwards

The EU is wrong to scrap its chief science role given our challenges in energy, food and climate, argue science advocates Tracey Brown and Sile Lane

Polar bear dives into Arctic sea near explorers' grave

An exhibition at the British Library displays artefacts from explorer John Franklin's doomed quest for the North-West Passage

How I'm bringing ancient music back to lifeMovie Camera

What did Palaeolithic pop sound like? Ask Rupert Till, part of a team recreating long-forgotten instruments and the soundscapes they were played in

Cells act like old tape recorders to monitor health

For the first time, cells have been hacked so they resemble tiny analogue tape recorders. It should allow them to get the inside scoop on our bodies in a way that digital cellular recorders can't

Infanticide drives female promiscuity and big balls

Female mammals appear to evolve promiscuity as a defence against infanticide by dominant males, and this in turn swells the males' testicles

Warming world means a hike in US lightning strikesMovie Camera

For every two lightning strikes on US soil in the year 2000, three are predicted for 2100 – and that's bad news for wildfires

Ebola blood and drug trials to start in December

The first Ebola drugs will finally be tested in West Africa, starting next month. Blood from survivors will also be explored as a treatment

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