"I can't find the words to apologise," says Haruko Obokata, at the Riken Institute in Kobe, Japan, who today admitted failing in an attempt to reproduce her infamous "STAP" cell experiments.
An eight month investigation by a team of Riken researchers, performed under the guidance of Obokata, attempted to reproduce experiments first published in two papers in January. The papers claimed that almost any adult cell could be coaxed into becoming a stem cell just by dipping it in a bath of acid for 30 minutes. The method held great promise for regenerative medicine because it would make it possible to create any cell without reprogramming genes, or destroying an embryo. Obokata's team called this technique stimulus–triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP.
In the months after publication, no independent team was able to replicate the results. Instead, researchers around the world scrutinising the papers exposed many flaws – including manipulated pictures of protein gel panels and mislabelled images.
Puzzling results
In April, Obokata was found guilty of scientific misconduct by an investigation covering two of six problems in the papers highlighted to Riken. July saw the retraction of both Nature papers.
In August, Yoshiki Sasai, also at Riken, was found dead in his lab in an apparent suicide. Sasai had been an author of the papers and was cleared of direct misconduct, but had faced criticism for his oversight.
In a statement released to the press today, Obokata said that she remains puzzled by the results, but admitted she could not reproduce satisfactory evidence of STAP cells, although she complained about the conditions that she had to work under during her attempt. She also resigned from her position at Riken.
Shinichi Aizawa, a Riken biologist who led the verification team, said that they had managed to recreate the cell fluorescence that Obokata had interpreted as a sign of pluripotency – the ability of a cell to turn into most other cell types – but not at satisfactory levels. All other methods of determining pluripotency failed.
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