Today on New Scientist

Star's flying visit could fling comets at Earth

It might not happen for a quarter of a million years, but a nearby star coming closer to the sun could send planetary remnants hurtling to Earth

Mangrove forest planted as tsunami shield

The 2004 tsunami killed 227,000 people in Indonesia. Fred Pearce visits Aceh to see the living coastal defences meant to soak up the energy of future waves

Not again! First ever case of anxiety-induced déjà vu

A 23-year-old man is the first person to report a feeling of persistent déjà vu that seems to be triggered by anxiety rather than a neurological condition

Smart shoes with lasers make strides in mobility

Adding laser tips to ordinary shoes can improve the stride and pace of people with Parkinson's disease

DIY device to define the kilogram – using Lego

Just in time for Christmas, instructions for a Lego watt balance, which can fix the official value of the kilogram, have been published

How to think about… Evolution

Evolution is all about making freaks normal – but it doesn't always involve natural selection and the survival of the fittest

Thought control makes robot arm grab and move objectsMovie Camera

By analysing brain activity linked to hand and arm movements, a team has created a robotic arm that a paralysed woman can control with her thoughts

Machine assistants learn to run your schedule

Got a busy calendar? Let AI assistants set your meetings for you and suggest friends for you to interact with

Asteroid soil could fertilise farms in space

We can now grow plants in microgravity – and crops grown in asteroid soil could sustain vast human populations off-planet

Born to dance: The animals with natural rhythmMovie Camera

Dogs and ducks are duds on the dance floor. So how come cockatoos and sea lions can move to a beat, and what does that tell us about our own musicality?

Table-top 'mini-LHC' ramps up to record energy

A laser-driven particle accelerator just 9 centimetres long is gearing up to rival heavyweights like the Large Hadron Collider

Is sexology just too human to study?

Can we hope to study something as human as sex in any scientific way? A new exhibition and two books leave plenty of room for doubt

Curiosity rover detects Martian methane burps

NASA's Mars rover has sniffed out short-lived bursts of methane, but whether it's Martian life or just a geological by-product is still unclear

'This is our policy': New Scientist after 3000 issues

A lot has changed in science, and science journalism, over the past 58 years – but our responsibilities remain the same

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