India eyes ambitious renewables targets - with US help

Green vision is a go. US president Barack Obama's visit to India this week raised new hopes for global action on climate change after the two nations agreed to collaborate on clean technology that could help India cut its huge carbon emissions.

During the visit, India's prime minister Narendra Modi unveiled plans to boost the renewable contribution to the country's energy. The aim is to generate 100 gigawatts of power from solar panels by 2022.

To put that in context, in 2013 solar capacity worldwide was 140 gigawatts, 12 gigawatts of which was in the US, according to the World Resources Institute, a non-governmental global research organization based in Washington DC. So India has committed to having eight times the current US solar power capacity by 2022 – even though it is starting from a low base, with just 3 gigawatts of solar installed today.

"We very much support India's ambitious goal for solar energy, and stand ready to speed this expansion with additional financing," said Obama.

India is also considering a target of 60 gigawatts from wind power and expanding nuclear energy generation. It will now be easier for it to access US nuclear know-how, following an agreement between the two governments during Obama's visit.

Grid access

Green energy could give many more Indians access to electricity. "Forty per cent of India is still not connected to the grid," says Krishnan Pallassana of the Climate Group, an international think tank. "Clean energy, particularly solar and wind, could eventually connect these homes via renewable sources, and revitalise India's failing energy system."

It could also help the world get on track for cutting emissions and tackling climate change. India is the third largest greenhouse gas emitter after China and the US in terms of annual emissions, though its per capita emissions are tiny. And it comes seventh in the list of historical emitters, which looks at how much countries have put into the atmosphere since the beginning of the 20th century.

With a major UN summit on the next global climate treaty due to take place in Paris at the end of the year, all nations are expected to make statements about how far they can go to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The US has pledged to cut its emissions by up to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2025, and China announced last year that its emissions would peak by 2030, at the latest. Whether that will suffice to keep the climate cool enough to avoid dangerous change remains to be seen.

Some see the US deal with India as another sign of Obama's leadership on climate. "The Obama administration is demonstrating a real commitment to work with multiple major countries to drive greater international action on climate change," says Manish Bapna of the World Resources Institute.

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