Robot jazz band showcases its freestyling skills

We're digging those robot tunes. In a new music video out of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, graduate student Mason Bretan plays an original composition with four artificially intelligent musicians backing him.

In the video, three small bots, nicknamed Shimi, are performing original 'dance moves' to the music. Two play precomposed percussion parts while the other generates an original accompanying tune, although they don't wield instruments.

Unlike larger robot Shimon, which improvises on the marimba. Here, Shimon is showcasing a new skill: the ability to get into the right position to hit the right notes. In the past, the robot had difficulty anticipating when and where to place its four arms to play the correct notes. This meant it would sometimes play a note in the wrong octave or even skip it altogether.

Hitting the right notes (Image: Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta)

This ability – called path-planning - is a common problem in artificial intelligence. Any robot that moves must figure out how to achieve its goals, guide its body, and avoid obstacles all at once.

"In addition to figuring out what to play, Shimon has to figure out how to play it," says Bretan. "You might have generated the most beautiful music ever created by the musical algorithms, but if it's corrupted by the path-planning algorithm, you'll lose that original beauty."

Musical machines are the focus of the lab where Bretan is based, which has previously come out with a cell phone app for air guitarists Movie Cameraand a bionic prosthetic Movie Camerafor a drummer who'd lost his arm.

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