Today on New Scientist

Sync your sport to your body clock for a personal best

Larks and night owls perform drastically better if a sporting event is timed to suit their circadian rhythm

Cancer-warped skeletons imagined for building design

The extreme deformities caused by bone cancer push the human body to its limits. Our amazing ability to adapt could inspire future architecture

The world's wellness obsession has gone too far

Being urged to optimise every aspect of our lives to improve well-being is sometimes counterproductive, say André Spicer and Carl Cederström

Leak suggests big bang find was a dusty mistake

Details of a new analysis of last year's BICEP2 results have been accidentally leaked – and seem to show that claiming a gravitational wave discovery was jumping the gun

Feedback: Nice slice of fried man, Sir?

Sex-specific snack suspicion, when ads break the law, getting water from petrol and more

The bitcoin rush: Pioneers on the financial frontierMovie Camera

Meet miners, outlaws and sheriffs all striving to get ahead in the volatile new world of virtual money. Financial Times reporter Kadhim Shubber is your guide

Just four credit card clues can identify anyone

Without even knowing what someone bought, it's possible to pick their credit card history out of an anonymised pool thanks to the metadata collected by modern devices

Möbius strips of light made for the first time

A decade ago, physicists suggested that certain properties of light can twist into a one-sided loop – now there's proof

The Hard Problem is Stoppard's problem with science

After a long wait and a great track record transmuting science into art, Tom Stoppard's new play takes on the hard problem of consciousness – and loses

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