Ever remembered something wrongly? Sworn blind that something had happened, when in fact it hadn't? Bumblebees also appear to have the same problem.
In their everyday lives, bumblebees have a lot to remember: the colours, patterns, scents and symmetries of flowers, the best ways to get food from the best ones, as well as their locations and how to get to them. Relative to their lifespan, bumblebees have a good long-term memory for these details. They learn very early how to manipulate flowers to get nectar or pollen out of them, and still remember this three weeks later, towards the end of their short lives.
But they do make mistakes. "Bees can memorise more than one flower type, though there are costs," says Lars Chittka of Queen Mary University of London. "Bees make more mistakes when they juggle multiple memories than if they just focus on one flower type."
Chittka and his colleague Kathryn Hunt decided to investigate whether bees can have false memories, as humans often do. These are instances in which an individual remembers something that they have never actually experienced or been exposed to, a problem not only for witnesses in criminal trials but also for students, who may misremember what they were taught.
Memory merge
To see if bees misremember in a similar way, the researchers trained bees using artificial flowers that were either yellow or had a black-and-white ringed pattern. Both types of flower offered a nectar-like reward, but at different times. When tested within minutes of their training, bees usually visited a flower of the type that had most recently rewarded them.
A day or so later, Chittka and Hunt tested the bees' long-term memories. As time wore on, bees that had first been rewarded by ringed flowers, and later by yellow flowers, started to do something strange. By the end of the experiment, they were often opting for a completely new type of flower – one with yellow and white rings.
The bees had never learned that such a pattern would offer a reward, but seemed to have become confused, choosing to visit a flower that shared features with both types of flower it had previously encountered. They appeared to have merged their memories to create a false one.
"There might be items in a bumblebee's memory library that they have never actually encountered in real life," says Chittka.
"This research shows that memory errors, similar to some to which we are also victim, occur in a very distantly related species, an insect, and therefore suggests that all nervous systems share some common memory mechanisms," says Stefano Ghirlanda at the City University of New York.
"Bees might not simply store each flower type they have encountered in the past with maximum accuracy," says Chittka. "Instead, a key feature of bee memory might be the ability to extract common features of multiple flower types and store shared characteristics."
All mixed up
Bees are not the only animals to make mix-ups. In one similar experiment from 1969, pigeons were trained to recognise two similar colours, and then developed a preference for an intermediate shade that they had never seen before. And Ghirlanda has trained chickens to distinguish between male and female faces, after which they came to prefer faces that were more masculine or feminine than any that they had previously encountered.
"We have ample evidence that fish and insects are prone to the same memory illusions," says Ghirlanda. "I have come to consider memory phenomena of this kind as ubiquitous."
Chittka does not think false memories are useful for the bees, but he says they could be a by-product of other helpful memory processes. "In humans, we recently discovered that false memories might be a side effect of an adaptive memory system – the ability to form rules and categorise objects by common properties," he says. "There is no question that the ability to extract patterns and commonalities between different events in our environment is adaptive."
People are particularly prone to certain types of false memories. "Humans frequently make prestige-enhancing errors," says Elizabeth Loftus of the University of California, Irvine. These kinds of errors occur when people remember themselves to have got better grades in their studies than they actually did, or believe they had voted in a past election when they actually hadn't.
"This might make us feel better about ourselves," she says. But she adds that she is yet to see any evidence that animals other than humans routinely make such self-aggrandising mistakes.
Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.01.023
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