At least one in two. If you were born in the UK, that is the likelihood you'll be diagnosed with cancer at some point, according to new research funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK). The estimate replaces the well-known one-in-three statistic for lifetime cancer risk. What lies behind the change?
One-in-three to one-in-two – that's quite an increase. What has caused the big leap in cancer risk?
The new estimate does not reflect some dramatic change in how many of us are dying from cancer since the one-in-three figure was published; rather, it's a correction to that figure.
The one-in-three estimate came from a previous CRUK calculation published in 2011, which used a different method to come up with lifetime risk, based on a smaller study group. It looked at UK cancer cases between 2009 and 2011 and used this to calculate the risk. This is now considered an underestimate, as the short time frame doesn't take into account how cancer rates have been changing. The one-in-two figure attempts to capture how lifestyle and disease trends change over decades.
Where does the new figure come from?
It comes from tracking cancer incidence over whole lifetimes for people born in the UK between 1930 and 1960. Pulling together data from the Office of National Statistics and the UK's national cancer registries revealed that a man born in 1930 has a 38.5 per cent risk of developing cancer during his lifetime, whereas a man born in 1960 has a 53.5 per cent risk. In women, the risk was 36.7 per cent for those born in 1930, and 47.5 per cent for those born thirty years later. Assuming that this upward trend in cancer incidence continues, the researchers conclude that people born since 1960 will have at least a one-in-two chance of getting cancer over their lifetime.
Is it sensible to assume that increasing numbers of us will die from cancer?
It's not too much of a stretch. Some risk factors such as exposure to asbestos have been declining, but others have increased, says Isabelle Soerjomataram from the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France. "There are many other cancer risk factors common in industrialised countries which we know have increased over the same period of time, for example, higher body weight and higher exposure to UV. Populations continue to adopt unhealthy lifestyles that are known to increase cancer risks," she says.
Why are people born in 1960 so much more likely to get cancer than people born thirty years earlier?
The ones born in 1960 are likely to live longer. Older people have had more time to acquire genetic mutations, so are more likely to develop the disease. The longer we live, the more cases of cancer we'll see.
People are dying less and less from other diseases and are therefore more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, says Soerjomataram.
Another factor is improvement in our ability to detect cancer. Techniques like breast-cancer screening and testing for prostate cancer markers mean cancers are more likely to be identified in the first place, and often at a younger age, which also changes the statistics.
We shouldn't forget that more people are also surviving cancer. Today half of people newly diagnosed with the disease will live for more than 10 years. In the early 1970s, the corresponding survival rate was only 24 per cent.
Can you improve your odds of not getting cancer?
Certainly. More than 40 per cent of cancers diagnosed in the UK in 2010 were associated with lifestyle and environmental factors – meaning you can take some control of your own chances. Unsurprisingly, smoking was the worst offender: nearly 20 per cent of all cancer diagnoses that year were smokers.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer has drawn up a code against cancer, which recommends 11 other ways you can reduce your risk.
Journal reference: British Journal of Cancer, DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2014.606
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