Pluto's got a blank face. It seems that the dwarf planet's nitrogen-rich ice evaporates faster than realised, disappointing those who hoped its pockmarks could keep a census of the outer solar system.
Thousands of icy bodies orbit the sun in a ring beyond Neptune known as the Kuiper belt, but many are too small to be observed from Earth. Because the Kuiper belt is thought to be populated with the leftover building blocks that did not get incorporated into the planets, knowing the size distribution of these objects could help reveal what the solar system looked like soon after it formed more than 4 billion years ago.
Planetary scientists had hoped that when the New Horizons spacecraft speeds past Pluto in July, its images of the scarred surface could help snoop on the neighbours: the more small craters Pluto has, the more small bodies must be in the Kuiper belt.
But earlier studies had shown that between 1027 and 1028 molecules escape from Pluto's tenuous nitrogen atmosphere each second, and no one had analysed the implications over geological time, says New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern.
Now, Simon Porter at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and his colleagues have shown that the present evaporation rates would remove between 0.3 and 3 kilometres of nitrogen ice over 3.5 billion years, erasing much of the small crater record.
Comparing craters
Pluto's surface temperature also poses a problem. At 35 to 45 degrees kelvin, it would cause the nitrogen ice to spread like a terrestrial glacier, eventually making craters hard to recognise.
There's hope, though: Pluto's ices contain methane as well as nitrogen, and methane-rich ice would preserve craters better because it is harder and evaporates more slowly. The ratio of methane to nitrogen is unknown, however. "It could be nitrogen mixed with a little methane or methane with a little nitrogen," says Porter. "All you see from Earth is the average of the top two centimetres of the surface."
Fortunately, Pluto's largest moon Charon is covered with water ice, rock-hard at the temperatures in the outer solar system. It should preserve a more pristine set of impacts, yielding better data on the range of Kuiper belt object sizes. Comparing the pair's craters should reveal how much Pluto's ice has eroded.
"This is very speculative stuff," cautions Jay Melosh at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. But he says the study "may help us understand what we see in crater size distribution" when New Horizons reaches Pluto.
Journal reference: Icarus, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.12.006
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