Tiny bat makes home in a carnivorous plant

(Image: Merlin Tuttle/Science Source)

BATS roost in big groups in caves. Wrong! If you're a Hardwicke's woolly bat, you prefer to sleep in a more luxurious – and private – place.

Kerivoula hardwickii roosts inside tropical pitcher plants. These carnivorous plants usually attract insects, but Nepenthes hemsleyana lacks the scents that others have, so few bugs are lured in. Instead, it benefits from the faeces of this tiny bat, which provides more than a third of its nitrogen and may be crucial to the plant's survival.

"This is the only bat species that has ever been found roosting in pitchers," says Caroline Regina Schöner, whose team discovered the bats in 2009. "These bats managed to find a niche that no one else is occupying."

To take these images, Merlin Tuttle waded through tropical forest peat swamps on Borneo. Once he had found an occupied plant, he would spend a few hours taming a bat before snapping it from his portable studio, which provided protection from heavy rains. "It only takes a small fraction of a second for a bat to either enter or emerge, so capturing the action at just the right moment is a real challenge," says Tuttle.

Within a few days, the bats had learned to bump against his nose when they wanted him to give them some mealworms. "We were quite amazed at the intelligence of such tiny animals," Tuttle says. "Contrary to common misconceptions, bats in general are gentle, highly intelligent and trainable."

This article appeared in print under the headline "Home, sweet plant"

Issue 3009 of New Scientist magazine

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