Dead star leaves behind Jupiter's Ghost
Not every star ends with a bang. A beautiful post-mortem portrait reveals a cloud of gas surrounding a jewel-like white dwarf
Lava could have preserved the origins of life on the moon
New experiments suggest that if life-bearing meteorites hit the young, molten moon, they could have been preserved until today
Wave function gets real in quantum experiment
Is the uncertainty that comes with the quantum wave function real or a mathematical quirk? An experiment has found in favour of fuzziness
Ancient microbes formed Earth's biggest hoard of gold
Early life forms may have extracted gold from water and dumped it in South Africa's El Dorado, the source of half the gold ever mined
New treatment for endometriosis preserves fertility
Two promising new drugs could treat pain and infertility in a common reproductive disease while still allowing women to conceive
Urban rabbits downsize to smaller, 'studio' warrens
The European rabbit is under pressure in the countryside but is successfully embracing city life – with a twist
Virtual hearts get to the crux of sudden cardiac death
Watching hundreds of genetically different hearts beating in a supercomputer is helping doctors identify who is at risk from unexpectedly dropping down dead
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